“As a real estate broker, I try to get the best deal for my clients. It is usually not the cheapest house because it is the cheapest for a reason! But I do get the most value for my clients. When I started shopping for my own scuba training, I also looked for the best value. Safety, quality, professionalism, and price. I visited many scuba places all over Houston. It was easy in my work.

The one place that stood out in my mind was Pro Scuba. They did not try to impress me how fast they can teach. Or how they are the cheapest. But they are the only one that asked about me.Yes, I was not treated like a hamburger at a fast food joint! My training program was based on my concerns, my schedule, my comfort level, and my budget. I am a big guy. And I like to breathe a lot. Well, they have a solution for that too!

In the years since, I have dived in many places around here and the Caribbean. I have seen many poorly trained divers, incompetent dive guides, and divers herded around in large groups. This was NEVER the case when I dive with Pro Scuba.

Please try to educate yourself when shopping for training and equipment. If you can ever get beyond asking “how much does it cost” and “how long does it take”, you will find Pro Scuba to be that rare gem. Every time I am at a dive site looking around at some of my fellow divers, I am so glad to be diving with Henry. Actually, with another new baby on the way, my wife will only feel comfortable when I am diving with Pro Scuba!”